April 2016 Monthly Guild Meeting

Date(s) - 04/12/2016
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Spokane Handweavers' Guild Hall


weave-itSoftware has changed the way many weavers design fabric, track threading and treadling repeats and even operate their looms. If you are still struggling with creating drafts with paper, pencil and graph paper, come and see how different weaving software packages work.

Several members have offered to bring their laptop or iPad, loaded with their favorite software or app, and give hands-on demonstrations on using their favorite design products. This promises to be a fun and useful evening that takes your knowledge of weaving software beyond the simple introduction provided at our February meeting!

Attendees may bring finger food snacks or beverages to share and, as always, recent textiles arts projects for show-and-tell are appreciated.


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