August 2014 Monthly Guild Meeting

Date(s) - 08/12/2014
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Orchard Crest Retirement Community 4th floor meeting room


The program for the August meeting will be “Weaving 101” featuring lots of tips, tricks, hints and more for new and not-so-new weavers. Be assured there also will be some inspirational weaving to see during show-and-tell and a tasty treat or two because, as usual, everyone is encouraged to bring finger foods and beverages to share and enjoy.

The meeting will take place at Orchard Crest Retirement Community in the meeting room on the 4th floor, right across from the elevator.

Warping demonstration

Guild members gather around as Colleen (light green shirt) and Julie (at right with hair upswept) provide a warping demonstration at the monthly meeting in July

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