Date(s) - 10/15/2017
12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.
We are taking a tour of Patty Kinast’s fiber farm:
Amazing Grace Valley Ranch
Sunday, October 15, 2017
Alpacas, sheep, mohair goats, yaks and more!
Potluck lunch at Patty’s ranch located between Coeur d’Alene and Harrison, ID. Starting time around noon.
Please note that this is a working ranch, so dress appropriately. In other words, there may be some horse poo on the ground.
Children are welcome and encouraged, but we ask that parents/grandparents keep an eye on them. Most kids like to pull grass and feed it to the goats, which the goats love! The apples should be out on the trees and Patty will go around with the kids and they can feed apples to the horses.
We’ll also have time to just hang out, so bring your spinning wheel, small loom, knitting, crochet, or whatever. If you have a chair you can bring, we ask that you please do.
Carpooling can be arranged at October general meeting.
If you plan to attend please let Patty know by calling her at 208-661-4977 or email her at
Please – NO dogs!!