January 2017 Monthly Meeting

Date(s) - 01/08/2017
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Spokane Handweavers' Guild Hall


Winter is upon us! Please note that now through February our monthly meetings take place on Sunday afternoons.

Plastic weft tote bag

Tote bag woven and assembled by the late Elfreida Mullins who was known for her items made out of recycled materials.

This month’s program will be provided by member Judy Olsen who will speak on and demonstrate weaving with plastic bags. She will explain cutting up plastic bags to use as filler. There are several ways to get a continuous weft and we will practice a few on a table loom warped with  8/4 cotton carpet warp at 12 e.p.i. threaded to a rosepath pattern.

Plastic strips used as weft

Fabric woven using plastic strips as weft







Recently completed projects are welcome for the show-and-tell portion of the meeting and everyone who brings an item for show-and-tell will be entered in a drawing for a prize.

Finger food snacks or beverages to share are always appreciated.

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