July 2014 Monthly Guild Meeting

Date(s) - 07/08/2014
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Orchard Crest Retirement Community 4th floor meeting room


Warping a loom

A loom in the process of being warped. Here the front-to-back method is being used. The reed has been sleyed and the heddles are being threaded.

The first meeting of our 2014-15 membership year will focus on how to warp a loom. Bring your own loom and a pre-wound warp, if possible, or just come and gain some tricks and tips from watching as warps are put on others’ looms.

We’ll also have information on how to enter items in the Spokane County Interstate Fair and as usual everyone is encouraged to bring finger foods and beverages to share and enjoy.

The meeting will take place at Orchard Crest Retirement Community in the meeting room on the 4th floor, right across from the elevator.

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