March 2017 Monthly Meeting

Date(s) - 03/12/2017
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Spokane Handweavers' Guild Hall



This month’s program is a color wrapping mini-workshop with member Jean Lavell. Attendees should bring pictures or photographs with colors and color combinations that they find inspirational, unusual or just interesting.  Also, please bring yarn of all kinds and colors; small scraps of yarn such as thrums are great.

The Guild was fortunate to recently receive a large donation of yarn, books and fiber tools, which are being auctioned as a fund-raising activity. This month an auction of white and undyed yarn of all types and fibers will close at 2:00 PM and the results announced at the end of the meeting.

Recently completed projects are welcome for the show-and-tell portion of the meeting and everyone who brings an item for show-and-tell will be entered in a drawing for a prize.

Finger food snacks or beverages to share are always appreciated.

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