November 2013 Monthly Guild Meeting

Date(s) - 11/12/2013
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Orchard Crest Retirement Community 4th floor meeting room


This month dyer Charles Kerr will demonstrate direct dye application methods on cellulosic yarn, including creating resists on yarn such as those used for ikat. His presentation will include a hand-out with useful references about Procion MX dyes for those interested in dying on their own

As always, we will also ooh and ah over show-and-tell items, so don’t forget that for every item you share, you are entered in a drawing for gift certificates to area yarn and weaving supply store. Prizes are given at the end-of-the year potluck in June.  Download a Show-and-Tell Entry Form, fill one out for each item you share and bring them to the next meeting!

We’ll also have a brief business meeting, open the lending library and offer finger foods and beverages to share and enjoy.

The meeting will take place at Orchard Crest Retirement Community in the meeting room on the 4th floor, right across from the elevator.

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