November 2014 Monthly Guild Meeting

Date(s) - 11/11/2014
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Spokane Handweavers' Guild Hall


This month SHG members will share tips, tricks and techniques for finishing handwoven items – hems, fringes, wet finishing, and more.

A fancy hem

We’ll also enjoy show-and-tell, a brief business meeting and there will be finger foods and beverages to share and enjoy.

606 W. Garland

606 W. Garland, Spokane, WA


The meeting will take place Tuesday, November 11, 6 pm.  This will be our first meeting at the Guild’s new home at 606 W. Garland Ave. in NW Spokane.

Please plan to attend and bring a folding chair or two since the new space is not yet furnished.

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