Weaving a Business: Selling Your Handmade Textiles

Date(s) - 03/24/2015
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Spokane Handweavers' Guild Hall


This one-day workshop is designed to provide handweavers and other textile artisans with information and business skills needed to take the products of their creative endeavors into the marketplace.

This workshop is intended to help Spokane Handweavers’ Guild members and other artisans sell their work in any venues they may choose, but specifically to prepare for the Guild’s first self-hosted three-day sale scheduled for November 6, 7 & 8, 2015 at the Guild Hall.

Registration for this class is now closed.

About the instructor:

Kristie Sherrodd is textile artist who weaves, knits and handspins yarn. Her studio in Sandpoint serves as her working studio, teaching venue and as a textile supply store. Before moving to Idaho in 2007, she lived for 25 years in Alaska where she sold her work extensively at craft shows and through galleries.

She taught weaving, handspinning and other textile arts as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS). Through UAS and as an independent contractor, she also provided workshops on crafts and small manufacturing business operation and marketing in the communities throughout Southeast Alaska. She also worked as a business counselor for the Sitka Business Incubator. She continues to provide event planning, market consulting, market research, publications design and web site design for several small, crafts-related businesses in addition to her own.

Kristie hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from Seattle University and a Master of Librarianship from the University of Washington.

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