Date(s) - 05/16/2014 - 05/18/2014
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Eastern Washington Heritage Show
Spokane Handweavers’ Guild members are enouraged to demonstrate their skills at the Spokane Valley Heritage Museum and the Inland Empire Steam & Gas Buffs #197 annual celebration of our history: Tractor parade/pull, Threshing, Grain Grinding, Quilters, Civil War reenactment, Spinners, Butter churning, Live Farm Animals, Music, Food & So much more!
When: Fri May 16th – Sunday May 18th, 2014 10am – 5pm
Where: Right down the street from the Spokane Valley Heritage Musuem on 8.25 acres at E 10200 Sprague Ave., in Spokane Valley.
For more information contact Jayne at the museum: 509-922-4570 or SHG President Jen via email
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