- Mary Ann’s shows her newly woven huck lace shawl
- Mary brought a small tapestry that she wove
- Arlene was very enthusiastic about the classes she took at the 2013 Association of NW Weavers Guilds conference
- Guild president Jen displayed her handwoven version of the Washington State tartan.
- Mary Ann and Dian shared the Fiber Arts Group’s latest projects: “Felting on a Dowling.” They made delightful roses. Dian used hers to decorate a felt hat!
- Dian’s felt hat with felted flowers
At our first summertime meeting there were plenty of things to look at during show-and-tell! Check out the photos of just some of the lovely things we saw.
The meeting took place Tuesday, July 9, 2013, 6 pm at Orchard Crest Retirement Community in the meeting room on the 4th floor, right across from the elevator.
A Board of Directors meeting was held place at 5 pm, also at Orchard Crest. All Guild members are welcome to attend.